Big new release – pro 1.8

It’s finally here! Version 1.8.0 of pro brings a lot of new functionality and changes especially for Mac users. This is a free upgrade for all our users. To upgrade simply download and install the latest demo version from our website. If you already...

New controllers: Hercules Starlight and Inpulse 200

We’ve just added 2 new controllers from Hercules: Hercules DJControl StarlightHercules DJControl Inpulse 200 We now have over 114 controllers that we support natively (zero-configure) in pro. We have a few more that we’ll soon be adding. You can...

future dj pro 1.8 beta 3 and Numark DJ2GO Touch

You’ll really like this new (and hopefully final) beta 3 version of pro 1.8. Why? Well, we have made a lot of improvements and it will basically just keep your laptop a lot cooler so you can do cooler things. Yeah, a bit cheesy, I know … but...

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