Acquiring and improving on new DJ skills can come to a halt overtime and unless you have your very own DJ mentor, the only way to spot and tune fine details of your mix is by recording your mixes.

Record your mix and listen. It’s the premonition of your future skills as a DJ.

After listening for the first time to your creation you will notice immediately where you need to correct your volume level for each track, eq or if a section is truly boring and needs rethinking. More often than not, I post the mixes that I’ve built on, by paying attention to mistakes I’ve come across in my sessions.

Doesn’t matter if you’re just fooling around, record it.

Sure, they will never be perfect, but by learning to address each factor that comes into a great mix you will automate both your mental and physical muscles into remembering what needs to be done without even realizing that you’re doing it.

Reflect on what you can improve and master it by conditioning yourself to record. You are the best teacher you will ever have.

This muscle memory will help you get in tune with the crowd, rather than racing your attention across a screen. At first most mistakes will not seem obvious, but you will, perhaps most importantly, be learning how to spot what you can improve on. When the next party comes, you will be surprised by the feeling of reassurance in the face of the unexpected.

Recording and carefully listening to your mix will improve your skills faster than most DJ courses.

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