Partying each day may be anyone’s dreamjob, but rhis can turn into hard work for any DJ. Sure, the onlooker or party people would say that they don’t see what’s all the big fuss, but unless your loyal audience is constantly in love with badly synced, randomly chosen songs, it’s a lot more to DJing than that.

DJs have one of the few professions that allows them to Benjamin Button their life… for life :).

Not to say that DJs have everlasting life, even though some withstand the test of time through the sound they leave behind. Depending on the level of commitment employed, as DJs’ skills advance in age, so too do their reflexes get younger.

Negotiate your talent’s regeneration by never limiting your experience to just straight fading from one track to the next.

Practice and performing as often as possible is key of course. Without taking the time to realize the true potential of DJing that you wish to achieve, the case of jammin’ buttons smoothly to your set can sometimes turn into a case of getting jammed in your own buttons.

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